Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bags Packed, Ready To Go.....

It's been about three weeks now, since we decided, well, to actually start doing something, and we've spent most of this time learning the elements of Web Development: HTML, CSS, DOM, Javascript, a bit of Ajax, XML, and finally, what's relevant to what we're doing, XUL. I felt it worth mentioning that has awesome interactive tutorials on some of the above-mentioned topics. was also pretty useful.
For XUL and for extension-development , Mozilla's XUL School Tutorial served as a good introduction, but I felt this tutorial has been written assuming the reader knows, well, quite a bit, as in it isn't something like "Firefox Extension-Development for Dummies", but surely one can manage pretty well after spending some time with it. Then I found this wonderful book, 'Hacking Firefox'. The version I found is a bit old, but it's got everything we actually need, and its really well-organized too. It guides you through the process of developing an extension through a simple example. Thanks to it, we're now comfortable working with XUL, and are also familiar with the file-organization and directory-structure we should be working with. By the way, we're using Komodo Edit to write our code, as was suggested on this XUL School Tutorial page. Its free, open-source and apart from general features like syntax-coloring, automatic-indentation, code-hinting(really useful!) etc. it also has a project template for developing Firefox Extensions, complete with files required to build the final .xpi file.Well, that automates a lot of stuff, but i guess we're going to do it manually anyway, at least the first time.
So, to put it in a nutshell, we're all wired up, fired up and ready to start coding. Hope we make good progress this week.

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